Pre-written, pre-planned, pre-thought out, Preconceived notions prepare to be sought out and found, I'll keep on lookin til the ocean's thawed out For groundbreakin sounds shakin towns Takin down electrical fences, The crown of unethical princes, Must continue in different trends I gotta admit I feel ingenuine With metaphors of violence I won't settle for moral silence, I don't deal with prominent symbols of dominance Don't wanna talk like tyrants oh no, Emergency sirens so low, Nobody knows the fire is blowin the virus over the tired eyelids Into the swirling iris, Pupils are getting cornea, I guess you could say I'm warning ya, It's comin towards us now so of course when I'm out there, I bend swords into plowshares, Bored of the loud snare trap Set puns divorced from god Getting snatched by guns I'm forcing the crowd to be more n' just horses and cows Do something never woulda done before Gotta feel where you woulda just thought before Gotta walk slow where you woulda run before Gotta think were you woulda just fought before Gotta talk where you would used a gun before Gotta sneak out where you got caught before Find out about those that come before Gotta seek out what you never sought before Gotta do what you never woulda done before Blue whale jumpin over a cruise ship, Old woman jumpin in front of a gun, A monk self-immolation, A man in front of a tank, Doin what's never been done, A madman keepin his cool in the heat of the south Speaking truth to power from a bleeding mouth, A flower alive inside a brick wall, A girl hides birds and dies with lips stalled, Four black ones from different parts of town see a white one dragged from a truck on a screen All four rush down pull him up from the ground, What does that mean, what does that mean Gotta feel where you woulda just thought before Gotta walk slow where you woulda run before Gotta think were you woulda just fought before Gotta talk where you would used a gun before Gotta sneak out where you got caught before Find out about those that come before Gotta seek out what you never sought before Gotta do what you never woulda done before Gotta feel where you woulda just thought before Gotta walk slow where you woulda run before Gotta think were you woulda just fought before Gotta talk where you would used a gun before Gotta sneak out where you got caught before Find out about those that come before Gotta seek out what you never sought before Gotta do what you never woulda done before Gotta feel where you woulda just thought before Gotta walk slow where you woulda run before Gotta think were you woulda just fought before Gotta talk where you would used a gun before And the ones that come before find you understand, And humm til we roar with thunder, Roll where you would thrown rocks before, Gotta do what you never woulda done before... I prefer to write a rhyme so my elegance shines, Tryta bind elephant spines together with mine for the hell of it, Catch you with the hook like a halibut, Delicate the kind that's not used to battle No matter how fat I stay cool from buttermilk to rice dream, Liquid but I refresh you like an ice cream, Freeze that you swallow in the heat, I'm followin the beat like a sneeze and a bless you, Addressed to your soul cuz I might not know your street, On my knees I confess to you even if we never even meet, We greet still I met you, I let you see The gears spinnin in my brain stormin fresh new beats, Cyclonin went roamin in Japan like a ronin then increased maturity like test tube sheep If you like these rhymes say 'whoo' and throw a penny, How many do I have? Hey, d'you know how many donuts fit into eight U-hauls? I got so much new shit that I take two stalls, I break through walls and I climb old fences, Make you all fall when I rhyme whole sentences, Catastrophe could anoint my genesis, Naturally it's how to find snake pits, Steppin out of line, make hits land good, Point! Wrap the set up, Match! You're beat. Like tennis I could say I flow in the streets like Venice, But then it's a lie I'm just proud of that simile, Rap is more common then Dave, Matt, or Emily, So I say family prayers about bread and spread, preserve the crust J A M I E Fill up your cup, just say when My play pen's a car lot hop roof to roof and spar God Who's realist, illustrated by Farhad, Prepare a buzz, throwin sighed promos, You know I rhymed but you don't know where it was, Like a pantomime wall you stall and scratch your temple, Can't deny what you saw It's that simple, phantom rhymes Alone with no henchmen, no freestyle, no salary, no pension It's hot today, I got a lot to say, because I'm sentient Hey and I thought you were payin attention ...maybe that was silly of me, But stop noddin your head unless you really agree, I see right and wrong inside lifelong winks like Odin, Listen to the words cuz I wrote em ...and maybe that was silly of me, But stop noddin your head unless you really agree, And if you dis I listen won't counterattack, We're all pretty weak, some of my best friends are wack ...and maybe that was silly of me, But stop noddin your head unless you really agree, Let's see, do you like the song or does it stink, Come on, am I right or wrong, whaddya think? Never heard God talk, but I see lifelong winks like Odin You can stand there stiff and just stare like a totem James, Jamie, Jonny Five, or John Brown Sag down low or hang out like a scrotum Jonny Five, Jonny Five Five - Doin what you never even thought of Go nuts and make funny noise like a modem the Flobots are serious, the Flobots are serious But listen to the words cause I wrote em