By the time you get this message I will be behind the wheel Watching dotted yellow hexagrams stretch into the dark Left hand surfing on iced tinged winds Chewing up a cardboard box Singing at lung top One stop left 'til I meet you in the concourse St. Louie encore Do we have a shot? Caught No dwelling on the thought Of what the hell we haven't got So I'm headed from the dot to the spot Where your plane touches down For a six hour layover Don't say a word I found it on the map Calculated it Just a half a day to get from where you're not to where you will be My hair is filthy I'm drinking coffee I can barely feel the trace From the only time you kissed me on the face Question mark space I know you're with me underneath the starscape Treadmill pick up our pace Headstart on a jet in a car chase Is this the part where my heart breaks One asleep one awake Back to back 'cause you wouldn't turn towards me Had me battling fractals keeping track of all the chords we created Sound clash of swords Back and forth Couldn't poke through the sash Slash through the plasterboard You packing your passport Me on a crash course to show you that I have the passion that you asked for Flooring the gas trying a fast forward fifteen months I'll see you once the sun shines through the glass above the dashboard The stars I see aren't even there It's only light in the air By the time you get this message I'll be either on my second flight Or already all the way to my destination Ridiculous that I could honestly expect you waiting at the gate when I arrive A sixteen hour drive I've been feeling so silly going on now several months As our obsession runs together And whoever comes to have you I'll be jealous of And when above all else you put her I'll know what it was to feel so needed Sorta wish that I was more of a romantic and could give you back the utmost But I've never seen it up close From everything that I can tell there are several possibilities Maybe we're in love really Maybe it's too early to really see Maybe we're just searching for something to hold onto amidst confusion and fragility Maybe we've lost all sensibility Will it be come our Splendor in the Grass When the facts have asserted themselves And the memories pass into poetry and words that retell What only then can we be sure that we felt Guess I prefer to be unhappy Or weren't you looking at me when my back became a wall Searched for your reflection saw exactly what you saw Two kinds of different skin Two minds exist within Trying to just transcend all space and time And lift their chin and find some sense of purpose Some sense of hope Press my cheek against the window surface We've been afloat But now I'm nervous Has this been a joke? We're landing and it's time to close the envelope Maybe I'll see you at the finish line