Two men walked on the beach in the Sun One left footprints, the other left none One was a man who no man obeys The other a God from the ancient days Look, said the man, how my kind make war I summonned you here to ask what for For wealth or land, the God replies For life, or freedom, or some king's lies The Sun is also a warrior Knowledge can also destroy Nor can the kindest will Preserve you from the kill Not all of wisdom brings joy Four of those five, the first one said Are not enough to appease the dead To save my world all this strife must cease So now I bid you to conjure peace The God said: Yes, though it grieves me sore For I was also a God of war And I remember what you forget Four of those five you may still regret The Sun is also a warrior Knowledge can also destroy Nor can the kindest will Preserve you from the kill Not all of wisdom brings joy He raised his voice and he raised his hand All strife stopped at the God's command No voice ventured an angry word No hand struck and no weapon stirred In time, the man called the old God back Look, he cried, what my people lack! One lord rules over all the earth And we're all his slaves from the hour of birth The Sun is also a warrior Knowledge can also destroy Nor can the kindest will Preserve you from the kill Not all of wisdom brings joy Look, he owns all wealth, and he owns all land We starve and die under his command He speaks the truth and he gives us peace But all that I hope for is our release The old God said: This is what you willed For only thus is your wish fulfilled War's five sources I took away Yet I will give four of them back today The Sun is also a warrior Knowledge can also destroy Nor can the kindest will Preserve you from the kill Not all of wisdom brings joy He raised his hand and his voice once more And all the world overturned in war And when the last of those fires let fall There was no lord in the world at all Go rebuild now, the old God said Feed the living and bury the dead And remember this when you speak of war And think upon what is worth fighting for The Sun is also a warrior Knowledge can also destroy Nor can the kindest will Preserve you from the kill Not all of wisdom brings joy