What do you do when you're stuck on the moon? And the moon is stuck in you You say "who's coming? Well, who's coming? For a connecting view?" Double lesson You're western And soon to be on functional terms With plastic ferns The beam hit the decking like the smack of a glove The year swung around the moon The flytrap dust sweeps across the desk The family arrive at noon Double lesson In session The horse won't take the cart Too short Too sharp Oh Sam Don't be cruel Don't be cruel Because someone else will rule all too soon And they will push you The cities breathe out through spiracle stacks A wheeling school of goods and geese Autumn creeps in like an outcast redressed And the soil will used for thee Double lesson Inflection Lately on bartering terms With those you spurn Oh Sam Don't be cruel Don't be cruel Because someone else will rule all too soon And they will push you Aphex twin Worker army