If you can keep rour shares while others are losing theirs and blame it on you If you can trust yourself when others doubt you don't deal in lies too. If you can bear to hear the untruth they've spoken don't give it all up to be broken But to build in desperate action with worn-out tools when men twisted your rules If you can force apart your nerves and heart to serve your purpose strong If you can make a heap of all winnings steep and risk the law for loss If you split the hour and use each mintue earth is yours with all htat's in it But to build in desperate action with worn-out tools when men twisted your rules Let this trade not be the rarest one Let this trade be sight to see We tie and take it up on high we'd like to waft it oversea. But if you compare this presence with arrogance and fancy paint I'm remembering a small room living single like a plaster saint But when we're going mad a bit it's ten times better than a parade in full kit Cos we aren't heroes, ain't bloomin' fools too you bet that we can clearly see Most remarkably like you (x4) To stroll and stray and hear this music every day than stay to connect this metal in every way The slab of iron has a respectable edge that glides observe all you write don't swerve in your highest flight They twist our rules our worn-out tools, we stroll and stray incessantly every day