
Armed Gangs


From:	*
Sent:	14 July 1998 05:56 PM

Submitted by: Shahan Drake              H*

Tabbed by: Don Spencer, apended a lot by: me 


G: ------
D: ------
A: 5/12\5                               slide from 5 to 12 and back 
E: ------


           -first rythm-
G: -------------4------------------------------
D: -----------4---4-2-0-----------------4-5-7--:x4
A: *
E: --------------------------------------------


           -second rythm-
G: ------------------------------------------------------------------
D: -----------------------------------------------------------5-55555
A: 5-55-332---------333333---------5-55-332---------3-333-2-3--------
E: ---------3-33333--------3-33333----------3-33333------------------


G: -------------------------------------------------------------------
D: -------------------------------------------------------------------
A: 5-55-332---------3-33333-----------5-55-332---------3-33333--------
E: ---------3-33333---------3-33333------------3-33333---------3-33333


           -last rythm-       (last two 5's get chopped off for outro)
G: ------------------------------------------------------------
D: 555554------------------------------------------------------
A: -------5-5554---------------------------555557--------------  :x2
E: --------------5-555555-7777-5555-333333--------5555557775555

repeat first rythm, second, repeat last x2 

G: -----------
D: -----------
A: -----------
E: 7777-5555-3...

   Allegra live on No Records
   There's No Place Like Home
   Extra Medium Kick Ball Star (17) on Rebel Alliance Records
   Surprise!, Buzz, on Grass Records
  *Swain's First Bike Ride, The Choice of a New Generation,on LookOut!
If anyone finds "ooze" or "I'd rather kiss a wookie" let me know.