
Hello: My Name Is Whore


Don't stare at me 
Don't glare at me 
I'm not your piece of meat 
I'm not your fantasy
Don't eye me 
make a fool of us 
I'm not your property
I'm not your anything
Do we sexualize everything
because our parents sexualized us
Did they treat eachother like meat 
Because they treated us like meat 
Don't stare at me
Don't glare at me 
I'm not your piece of meat 
I'm not your fantasy
Dont eye me
You make a fool of us
Love em and leave em 
Is no longer male behavoir
Do we treat eachother like meat
Because we were incested
Do we treat eachother like meat 
Because we were molested
Or are we just obeying tv
Or are we just obeying advertising
Or are we just obeying dear abbey
Or are we just obeying MTV
Don't stare at me
Don't glare at me
I'm not your piece of meat 
I'm not your fantasy