Tom: D

From: L'Etat Morbide 

        to know... :)

                          by  The Nephilim

        Riff A:


        Riff B:


        Riff C:


 "      Walk
        This is
        Welcome to Heaven
        Welcome to 666
        Come closer
        1 2 3 4         "

        Riff A x 8 (while sings the lyrics)
        Riff B once
        Riff C x 4 (while 1 2 3 4...)

"       Walk
        Open your eyes my darling
        Let the weapon rise my darling    
        Come closer
        The sweet smell of giving       "

        Again Riff A x 8, Riff B and Riff C x 4

        Lyrics by John McDonagh and Robert Schmitz
        TAB by oSKaR@* Corrections and additions welcome

Comments, corrections etc. welcome.

Par Svensson, *

Riff #0:
D 0---------0---------0-------0------0-----0-----0---0--00..000---
A --------------------------------------------------------------3-

Riff #1:
e ---------------------------------
B ---------------------------------
G ---2---------------2-------------
D -0---0-3r2r0---0-0---0--3r2r0----
A -------------3----------------3--
E ---------------------------------

Riff #2:
e ------------------
B ------------------
G ------------------
D ------------------
A -0-3r0-5r0-0-2h3--
E ------------------

Riff #3:
e --------------------------------------
B --------------------------------------
G -----------------------------------0--
D -2-2-2r0---2-2-2r0---2-2-2r0---2------
A ---------2---------2---------2---2----
E --------------------------------------

Riff #4:
e ----------------
B ---------0-0----
G -----0h2-----0--
D -2-2------------
A ----------------
E ----------------

Riff #5:
e --------------------------------------3--
B -5-5-5r3r0--5-5-5r3r0--5-5-5r3r0--5r0----
G -----------------------------------------
D -----------------------------------------
A -----------------------------------------
E -----------------------------------------

Riff #6:
e ---1--0----------------
B ----------3---1---0----
G ----2---2---2---2---2--
D -0---------------------
A -----------------------
E -----------------------

Riff #7:
e ------------------------------
B --------------1--1-0h1r0------
G ----------0h2------------0h2--
D ------0h2---------------------
A -0--3-------------------------
E ------------------------------

Riff #8:
e -15----14---12--------------
B ----12----12---15-12-14-12--
G ----------------------------
D ----------------------------
A ----------------------------
E ----------------------------

#0  #1(x4)  #2(x8)

Well he talks in confusion
And he faults your point of view
You talk about his operation
And he talks, hear him laughing at you

Contamination and radiation
Let it crawl, wanna see you stalemate
Can't turn to blink or think for a while
Now you're melting through your burning feet
All the people say "Ohh..." 


He talks, clearly starts to open 
A thousand fingers reach out for you

We don't feel no contamination (x4)


#6(x4)  #1(x4)  #7(x2)

Oh, keep talking, you're a hunter, I'm a wolf
Yeah, keep talking, I'm the preacher, you're the fool!

Contamination and radiation
Let it crawl, wanna see you stalemate
Can't turn to blame or think for a while
Now you're melting through your burning feet
Thought I'd hear you say "Ohh..." 


We don't feel no contamination (x4)

We don't feel no contamination (x4)

Radiation, Contamination       (x3)

As usual, it's quite hard to distinguish which one is guitar one, two or the 
bass. The above sounds pretty good when playing along to the record, though. 

When no number of times a riff should be played, is stated, simply repeat
it until you bump into another one, and start playing that.

Riff #3 actually should be: D:--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2... played with
the string "half-muted", but that's not very exciting, is it?

I took the liberty of changing John's (McDonagh) lyrics transcription in a few
places, thereby not claiming my interpretation is correct.

Finally, anybody recognise riff #8 from somewhere else? :-)

                Misc. Nephilim Tabs (*)

OK guys and gels....
        What's the chance of some of us getting together and working out some
Neph TABs for Guitar(+Bass). Myself... I am not particularly good on the guitar
but love to play it. I find some of the Neph stuff particularly hard to work
out. I find some of the intro's to be OK but when the guitar line changes
come chorus I get all messed up.
So here are 2 or 3 intro's. Could anyone out there complete them??

Main Riff...

The Tower
Main Riff...

Main Riff...

    A    A 

The Power chords played in Psychonaut are:-

        D  F  C  G
I play the chords:
        D       10-12-12-11-10-10
        F        x- 8-10-10-10- x
        C        8-10-10- 9- 8- 8
        G        x-10-12-12-12- x

I don't claim any of the above is correct... but merely the way 'I' play it.
I have Watchman on line too, but it's the same as the one at the FTP sites.
I can play bits of other songs... I think Endemoniada, Phobia, Power, Love
Under Will, For her Light....
I have a few Bass Lines...
Last Exit for the lost is some thing like...

Does anyone have the bassline for Celebrate.
I would love to be able to play all of the Neph songs... So anyone else out
there with guitars... PLEASE help me.

I can also play some Bauhaus, SoM, Christian Death so... if people are 
interested in more than just Neph I'll try typing out some other stuff.

TAB by: John Mc Donagh(*)

All corrections welcome. This is a very rough version of the TAB...
And you should be able to get your own timings. Please send me in the riff 
towards the end and fill-ins bt. riffs.

Riff A:          Riff B:           Riff C:
e|---------     --------------    --7-----5-----
B|---------     --------------    ----5---------
G|-7----5--     --------------    ------5-------
D|---------     --2-0---------    --------------
A|---------     ------3-2-0---    --------------
E|---------     --------------    --------------

Riff D:

Intro is Riffs...


Main Verse goes:
        A-B    (ie Riff A the Riff B)

        Cut to razor sounding violins
        Recall your cutthroats and razor sin
        We're watching Heaven as the sun goes down
        I'll watch the sun bursting.. Hit the ground 


        You've got to [         ]