(A Ficy gang) In a news for di first time when a saw you dressed up Like a don like an angle So di dat day I can't forget Can't forget Swag moving dressed up en fashion styled So cute the way you were a do like So then en then a called you bae Called bae A told you a can't forget A the dat day it was may before For the first time when a saw you (girl) When a greeted you hi you repleyed (yes) A didn't thought there is body look like God A didn't thought there is body look like you But for the first time when a saw you Nagambilawo never seen a girl like you, before For the first time when a saw you asked a trip When you accepted what I asked you We moved around the city Enjoyed life with whiskey For the first time when a saw you asked a trip When you accepted what I asked you We moved around the city Enjoyed life with whiskey In a news for di first time when a saw you dressed up Like a don like an angle So di dat day I can't forget Can't forget Swag moving dressed up en fashion styled So cute the way you were a do like So then en then a called you bae Called bae A the dat day it was may before Ye 1, 2, 3, 4 a love you times four Never ever seen a beautiful girl like you before So a can't leave you en go with someone else Coz a like you much Coz your real nice Loving you a can't stop, you need to believe me We need to do enjoying en moving the world A we buy for them, they call we boss A say only her Ye 1, 2, 3, 4 only her Someone coming come slow Couse a do like only her Since for the first time when a saw her Ye ye 1, 2, 3, 4 only her Ee someone coming come slow Co couse a do like only her In a news for di first time when a saw you dressed up Like a don like an angle So di dat day I can't forget Can't forget Swag moving dressed up en fashion styled So cute the way you were a do like So then en then a called you bae Called bae A do like the way you look o Call me king a call you queen o Couse your really so nice So beautiful en kind, fantastic, better than them So we can make it two in one A really really like the way you look 'Cause your nice en no body like For the first time when a saw you asked a trip When you accepted what I asked you We moved around the city Enjoyed life with whiskey For the first time when a saw you asked a trip When you accepted what I asked you We moved around the city Enjoyed life with whiskey In a news for di first time when a saw you dressed up Like a don like an angle So di dat day I can't forget Can't forget Swag moving dressed up en fashion styled So cute the way you were a do like So then en then a called you bae Called bae