Human Slavery Slaves of the will or won't That's what we're all gonna be In our faith we'll never be free This state of mind is killing me now Help me, yes! Oh gorgeous sweet death! Erase all hypocrisy ... hipocrisy! Put me in another dimension Of dark, my only intention It's all an invention A way of maintenance Of this reality that is a joke We're almost dead We're almost dead Without knowing who we are Who are we? There's the one that's far But near to our subconscious mind All illusion - are you still lucid? Confusion - be quiet!!! Don't think again Don't think again But then you've thought twice But then you've thought twice Thruth is a relative purpose, As cold as a corpse That's what life may be if you choose not to be blind Chose your freedom, free your mind... and your senses to a incredible sensation of... Fall!!!