Tom: A DOWNLOAD THIS SONG AND PLAY ALONG WITH IT, THAT WILL HELP YOU GET IT RIGHT! Tabbed by:Chris Lang Email:* Tuning: 6th to 1st string (A-E-A-D-G-B) This is originally played on a 7-string but I tuned it down for a Baritone. Intro: Play this with Natural Harmonics, HALFWAY up the 4th fret. Work your way up the strings, sort of Arpeggiating them. B|-----------| G|-----------| D|-----------| Song Time: Start-0:22 A|-----------| E|-----------| A|-----------| Pre-Chorus B|-----------------------| G|-----------------------| D|-----------------------|Play this ONCE (x1) A|--33-6666-5555---------|Song Time: 0:22 E|--33-6666-5555---------| A|--33-6666-5555---------| PM|............| Chorus (Part 1) B|--------------------------------------------------| G|--------------------------------------------------| D|--------------------------------------------------| A|---3P22--3P22--3P22--3P22--3P222--33H6666P5555----|Play This 8 Times (x8) E|---3P22--3P22--3P22--3P22--3P222--33H6666P5555----|Song Time: 0:23-0:45 A|---3P22--3P22--3P22--3P22--3P222--33H6666P5555----| PM|................................................| Chorus (Part 2) B|--------------------------------------| G|--------------------------------------| D|--------------------------------------|Play This 4 Times (x4) A|--7/8-8-7-XX--5H6-6--XX--5-66-33------|Song Time: 0:45-0:56 E|--5/6-6-5-XX--5H6-6--XX--3-44-11------| A|----------XX--5H6-6--XX---------------| B|--------------------------------------------| G|--------------------------------------------| D|--------------------------------------------|Play this 4 Times (x4) A|--7/8-8-7-XX--5H6-6--XX--5---6666--3333-----|Song Time: 0:56-1:08 E|--5/6-6-5-XX--5H6-6--XX--3---4444--1111-----| A|----------XX--5H6-6--XX---------------------|Play the 2nd part of Chorus 2 PM|...............| until the end of the song then... B|------| G|------| D|------|END ON THIS NOTE!!! A|-3----|THAT'S IT! E|-3----| A|-3----| Song Structure/How To Play Song In Order: -Intro (x1) Start-0:22 -Pre-Chorus (x1) 0:22 -Chorus (Part 1) (x8) 0:23-0:45 -Chorus (Part 2) (x4) 0:45-1:08 -Intro (x1) 1:08-1:19 -Chorus (Part 1) (x1) 1:19-1:42 -Chorus (Part 2) (x1) 1:42-2:26 Notation Guide: / = Slide Up \ = Slide Down H = Hammer-On P = Pull-Off = Natural Harmonic PM|.......| = Palm Mute Note X = Chop The Note ===============================================================================