Sometimes life surprise us I didn't have anyone to understand me before I used to live alone without anyone to talk to Now if years go by I see my reflections I know what I live for years and seconds in this bond now counted 3 2 1 You are my friend You are my friend You are my friend I want you to understand me I want you to understand me to understand my side and yours this is one of the rules that is important to me I don't wanna live back this cruel summer is it already years and seconds? flashback in my head i see the ghosts coming back from my past to torment me i lived with people who love me understand me and understand me I spoke for the second time are you my friend? You are my friend You are my friend no no no no yes yes yes yes I who was a shooter for suffering this, I regret for minutes and seconds for this link I who was the arrested No use apologizing for what you did suffered for other people in this motto I see many of my old friends who are my enemies today find it better than the other, and your preference than an insane heart I will speak for the third time are you my friend yes I have friends who understand me let's forget about the past let's live the future and left behind oh oh oh oh oh You are my friend yes yes yes friends let the light well our hearts to make effect this is how we fight and come back no one will ever knock us down no one will disturb us for years you are my guardians you are my friend You are my friend You are my friend You