Loyal to the Shapes they delineate Intolerance the marrow Of their poetry Abject borrowed luxury Cenotaphs pledged To daughters still living Engraved in the Foul script of disregard Uncaring blind marriage To disrepair Hollow architects Plying frameworks Built to author our Bondage to sorrow Broadcast the Unfettered parlance of distance Through the airwaves Impregnable To the fangs of the venomous Emblazoned shield and Tempered steel to bleed those Who have sworn Oaths to subjugate Everything with a beating heart Last empty tradition Demand restitution For their courtship with autocracy That exhumes and Rekindles old enmity Smoldering in the Eyes of their sons When their parapets crumble They will not be acquitted Yet their blood will Not stain our hands Shatter entire mythologies Bearing armaments of impulse And no heart closed to the want of another And no shape without movement