Faith Or Fear

What Would You Expect

Faith Or Fear

The government keeps spending 
The country's always lending 
Supplies out the ass so they can stab us in the back 
The stock market falling, while the corporations are sawing 
Employees out like deadwood so the profits can increase 

Insurance rates increasing, cost of living shoot straights up 
Crime is on the rise and the prisons just erupt 
This racist shit still with us, war is surely far from gone 
If the summit doesn't do it, we'll all be ash and bone 

Corruption in the government 
But what would you expect 
Some things will never change 
And on this you can surely bet 
Tell me where we're heading to Hell 
As time runs out, in a deadly battle we fight a losing bout 

Another child's abducted, what is it with these nuts 
Or a hostage used in blackmail, this push has come to shove 
The rich keep getting richer and the poor they just die off 
If we can't help each other, our time is surely lost 

Insurance rates increasing, cost of living shoot straights up 
Crime is on the rise and the prisons just erupt 
This racist shit still with us, war is surely far from gone 
If the summit doesn't do it, we'll all be ash and bone 


Destroy the ozone with chemicals 
Our food and water get the same 
You say you're gonna clean it up now 
Your hypocrisy becomes so lame