It was a plain old regular day when he came to be He was born in natural birth and with regular weight Besides those chubby chicks He looked like all other kids His dad took him home on Chevy Laid him down on the crib As a toddler he played with Legos and other regular toys He had breakfast at seven just like all other boys Besides those funny feet, he giggled like all other kids His mom took him down to the park, push him down on the swing At six he was ready to go a regular school His teacher, a regular guy with that regular look Besides a little twitch, he was just like other kids His dad took him out trick or treat on the regular street By ten he was ready to play on regular league He tried for regular team of regular sport Beside a minor limp, he ran just like all other kids His coach sat him down on the bench gave him a long speech As a teen he developed a crush on regular chick He took her out on a date to a regular prom In spite of his flat feet, they danced just like all other kids His girl sat down on his lap just like all other chicks By now he was ready to go a school of his choice He packed and got out of the house just like all other boys Besides a few little sips, he drank just like all other guys His pals took him out to a bar, showed him how to get high And so he graduated one day with strong Cs ad Ds He went on to deliver a speech with some regular words Besides a little lisp, he spoke like the rest of the class His mates sang cheers for him. Hats up in the air! By now he is ready to marry his school sweetheart She found him a regular job on the nearest Walmart Besides always calling sick, he worked just like one of the guys His wife fixed dinner for him, baked him apple pie So now his got kids of own and he is driving a Van His kids who are not even five have a phone in their hands Besides being always asleep, he yawns and scratches his head His kids want to drive him insane just like all other men Now old all he does care about is his 401K He spends many days of week calculating his pay Besides a small tattoo, he looks like any grand dude His wife wants to have some fun, but he is not in the mood Ten years went by since he joined on a new nursing home Grandkids who have kids of their own call him up on the phone Besides some missing teeth, and the frequent stops to pee He still ties he shoes with one hand bent down on his knee He died, didn’t want a cremation, so he is down on a grave A voice tells him from above he’s turned into a haze He thought they were pranking him, but noticed he could fly the wind Now he haunts an old house in LA like a regular ghost One day while he hovered about the creepy voice came to him And said that he was running late, time to re-incarnate He begged her not to go, 'cause he loved being a ghost Please don’t turn me again into a regular Joe It was a plain old regular day when she came be She was born in natural birth and with regular weight Besides those chubby chicks, she looked like all other kids Her dad took her home on Tesla, laid her down on the crib