I prayed so much begging for salvation Now I feel better away from the rotten religions You took care of me, brushed my long red hair Protected me in white makeup, poison, poison A virgin deity character of myself Elizabeth prepares for another battle Kat Ashley cried while cutting my beautiful hair You kissed my hands, idolatry, love, devotion Many in me, me in you, would the end be the beginning? Janis Joplin loves you and just wanted to hear a compliment from you Gate separates us, that timeline I crossed I held back me Linda Gravenites, you was dance so free Tania Be careful what you think and say my beloved I've been told that my gaze hypnotizes Art unites us, my enigmatic You know I always wanted to decipher your mystery Why is it that nobody can appease my desire? Wild mare runs in a run Cosmos crumbles, flaming skies As my wish on the golden throne In the chambers of untouched secrets Between veils, velvet, candlesticks in the dark Gloomy castle among glowing candles Witnessing our endless orgies Music invades me, sing, dance, enjoy for the Queen Simone I miss you friend Your voice calms me down I love you so much My love of many lives