[Verse 1:] I swear to God your going to kill me, why you Keep asking me, to hot to trot, mother fucker Spells blasphemy, I don't remember much, but I Never said that shit, I don't want to help you Out, let's watch my heart turn to plastic, hey Kool kick me down, let me get a hundred bucks, I'll get you back that's on boy's, see my rent Just doubled up, the next day he's smoking Blunts, macing girls with shitty lines, in a Brand new pair of Jordan's, wait a minute, those Are mine, hey man, where's my money, and how the Hell did you get my shoes, you better spill your Guts quickly, let me here your new excuse, oh You won them shooting hoops, my bad, I guess I'm Chirping, I didn't mean to pull your card in front Of birds how disturbing, but now he's walking with You home, you see he needs a place to stay, little Man got evicted, pouring salt in hater aid, but You can't tell him no, because he's feeling so Excluded, I'll only be here for a week I swear, Then you'll have seclusion, a yo it's three weeks Later, he's sleeping naked on your couch, man I'm Tired of this shit, and how you always run your Mouth, it's time to get the hell out, get it Together or wait your turn, man I'm not your loving Mom, damn you give me heartburn... [Hook:] You give me heartburn, when I see you lie like That, I want to shake your skinny ass wake you Up and laugh, you give me heartburn, your not Going to win I promise, I'm to sick of playing Savior to you pill-aholics... [x2] [Verse 2:] I got a headache this big, could some one please Come save me, I'd like a life free of stress that Would be extra gravy, but now Kool is on alert, That's why I often change my number, change my Life, change my gear then change my place of slumber, Well I'm all blown up, see the faces painted grins, No more lending money, I'll I got is real friends, With a pocket full of tens, now I'm off to fill The tummy, find a nice place to eat, and hide my Face like Frank the bunny, when tap, tap, tap, I feel his finger on my back, I spun around to catch His grins, like a Harlem bitch slap, hey Kool, where you Been, I need you to do me a little favor, I got a girl Who plays doctor, but I need a place to save her, See that's really not my flavor, lending spots to Ignorance, I'm not going to show you where I live So you can bag some crazy bitch, well now he's All huffy puffy, up in smoke and up in arms, he say's You never help me out, your just a bitch who sings Songs, I guess you knew me all along, spark the Lights, I'm left exploring, how are you going to Talk that kind of shit, when your standing in my Jordan's, so fuck your life, fuck your crew and fuck Your crazy doctor bitch, I'm not the man to help You out, you little lousy hypocrite... [Hook x2]