Another day, another riot Another fire lighted Has got you feeling down They’re coming with the cure And demanding that you try it I hear it’s the talk of the town A little PMA through pepper spray To put a little joy right in your day Bringing cheer in riot gear All you gotta do is obey All the rank and file Take their beatings and smile As they cross your names off the list Welcome to the fold With a choke hold Preach to the flock with a fist Sunny days will dawn At the end of a baton Turn grey skies black and blue Remedy the mood With a blood feud Here’s what you gotta do Smile at all the beatings All the punches and the greetings All the blows and the bleeding Until you like it Smile at being battered All the bones being shattered All the blood being splattered Until you like it Rejoice in all the horror Until you can’t ignore her And you revel in disorder Soon you’ll like it Grin at the abuse You’ve got nothing left to lose The beatings will continue Until morale improves