Eternity is relentless, this notion harasses me Induces that all is worth nothing, the passing frightens You may speak of darkness at ease until you're touched by its cold Until it stops remaining an abstract term Infinity takes away what seems to be worth and might Each of mights decline and disappear… If the immortality opened as a horizon over this snowy plains As the circle closed at last Delusion would spout, the force of all deeds Nihilism would be shed as pest embittering the hearts of a rabble Would these considered the martial ones stand against it valiantly? It approaches… To touch this knowledge is a soul torment Only winter transfers it to the dimension I may conceive Its cruelty hardly substitute of a true great cold Which will deliever a battle condemned to failure at dawn Thus I did it once under the moon Confrontation of worths with what turns them into dust I reached the winter twilight though won't reach this dark Until it calls me by itself…