In God I grieve, so many he forsakes My shadow is cast the same way Even though I am not one to pray Come now sorrows, burden my chest Senseless you drink from the cracked cup Shameless you swallow whatever’s served He’s there for the weak, became a tool for the mighty With neither I’ll ever belong Because there is no God, just my soul unfulfilled A sadness that took me and left me to sin I’ll search for my own church, ’til then there’s this Only one thing’s for certain, we all die without his kiss Look to the heavens! Search the dark seas! There you’ll find nothing, so let nothing set you free For the sun gives her blood freely and her fire is life She’s the true light, desire and sight In God I grieved, he never granted his light Alone I am free, free from his blight Seraphic longings are laid to rest Rid the burdens crushing my chest So now drink the poison, you’re misled to believe Is the sacrificed blood of his flesh and seed It won’t bring no forgiveness to the cruelty you breed If you don’t release yourself you’re just another lamb to the slaughter Look to the heavens! Search the dark seas! There’ll you find nothing Let nothing set you free