Eugene Mcguinness

Invitation To The Voyage

Eugene Mcguinness

Your muddy wedding dress,
It's the ghost of valentines park
And the moon makes you
An exclamation mark
When hung upside down
On the climbing frame
A handstand on the bandstand
And you're the right way round again

And we've forgotten who the hostage was

Helicopters scanning the rooftops

You're a bad influence
On a good boy
I accepted the invitation to the voyage
Now forsenics dust for prints in my room
They're reconstructing my final moments on bbc2
Tell me the stars are holes in the galaxy's ceiling
Where heaven shines through evey evening
Don't know where exactly this path is leading
If she's distressed damsel
What does that make me then?

We've forgotten who the victime is
Helicopters blitz the eastern district
And it's a mess
More than your bloody muddy wedding dress

I'm afraid it's over
They've got us surrounded
And the negotiator
Want the hostages out
Now in come the tear gas
Quick, duck for cover
We have become one
We've become each other.