


Your flower will decorate my grave 
Life's for the cowards. The ocean of pain's my fate 
It will kiss my dying lips. It makes me forget your blame 
Erasing my memories with its melancholic breath 

This memory is holding me 

I was a believer. Now I'm just your Christ in a frame 
I'm drowning in fears That taste like sweet female sweat 
The hell's full of lizards. I'm laughing like one of them 
We're loosing our livers in those alcoholic flames 

This memory is holding me 

I don't want to feel like a bloodstain with no shape 
But your smile is more than my heart could take 
I don't want to feel like a temple with no God 
The secrets in my mind were apart of my endless hope 

The setting sun is dying 
It will no longer shine.