Epic Rap Battles Of History

Frederick Douglass VS Thomas Jefferson

Epic Rap Battles Of History

[Thomas Jefferson]
When in the course of human events
It becomes necessary for a battle to commence
Then kplow!
I hit 'em with the illness of my quill
I'm endowed
With certain unalienable skills
Let me run down my resume
Will ya?
Set up a little place called the United States
Sound familiar?
I told King George he could eat a fat dick
When it comes to declaration I'm the first draft pick
I'll topple any tyrant
So kings and pirates beware!
I'm so down with revolutions
I invented the swivel chair!
I've many volumes on my shelves, it's true
But I've yet to read the three books you wrote about you!
Looking like a skunk in a three piece suit
Didn't come back from Paris to battle Pepe Le Pew
First Secretary of State
VP number two
Not to mention third president
The fuck'd you do?

[Frederick Douglass]
You finished?
Straight outta bondage!
A brainy mother fucker here to diss you
Big hair, big nuts, big issues
Starting with your nickel
There's a real declaration
Heads for racist
Tails for a slave plantation
You're a soft white Monticello Marshmallow
Watching my people sweat while you sat playing cello
But now you're facing me, Freddy D
I'd never work for your ass, but I'll kick it for free
Your stone face on Rushmore ain't nothing
Check my photos
Now that's real muggin'
The face of a free man
Taught himself to read, man
No compromise, you couldn't whip a 5th of me, man!
You got a self evident truth of your own
You let freedom ring
But never picked up the phone!

[Thomas Jefferson]
Oh Frederick
I've never heard a verse I dug less
Alright I admit it, I confess
I participated in a broken system that I hated
But I needed to keep my financial status situated
And the words I used were: Hideous blot
To describe the slave trade and the pain it hath brought
And I fought to stop the trade of new slaves in Virginia
When I ran the whole state and still made it home for dinner
So forgive me, I was busy
Man, I had a lot to do
But we did it
You're free now
So, we cool?

[Frederick Douglass]
This ain't Louisiana man
I ain't buying it
You talk about freedom, but you ain't applying shit!
So no, we ain't cool
You founding absentee father
You had six babies with your slave mama
And never even bothered
To free her when you died
On the 4th of July
It's a very important holiday
But what the fuck does it mean to this guy?
Cause I celebrate December 6th, 1865
The day the 13th damn amendment was ratified
And I ceased to be an alien to your unalienable rights
And We, the People stopped meaning
We the people, who are white!
Man, you did some good things
I ain't denying your fame
I'm just saying, they need to put an asterisk
Next to your name