what's been done to me? been robbed of my cunt-tree I tore limb from limb scooped off with broken glass better try to find it fast for better or worse, for sick or for poor a stab in the crotch gets you crawling on the floor squeezed little cheecks to test my luck home just in time for a wet stump fuck brought home flowers, for what it was worth dry, shriveled tissue's what became of your girth in battle with the fairer sex casualties are bloody and missing their dicks what did I do wrong? I throught it was long ejaculation premature couldn't bring heer to a climax so she finished with an axe cocksure fucking pricks shouldn't dick with feral chicks got cocky when war was waged surprised by feministic rage for sick and for poor, for better or for worse if you want some nookie, think about this first in battle with the fairer sex castrati are veterans, silver dollars on eyelids