Alas that men be so ungent To order me so creuelly Off ryght they shoold themself repent Yff they regard there honesty They kno my hart ys set so sure [5] That all ther words can not preuayle Tho that the thynke me to allure Wyth doubyll tongue and flaterynge tayle Alas me thynke the do me wronge That they wold haue me to resyne [10] My tytle wych ys good and stronge That i am yowrs and yow ar myne I thynke the wold that i shold swere Yowr company for to forsake But ons ther ys no worldly fere [15] Shold cawse ane such anothe to make Ffor i do trust ere yt be longe That god off hys benyngnyte Wyll send us ryght where we haue wrong For servyng hym thus faythfulye [20] Now fare ye well my none swete wyfe Trustyng that shortely i shall here From you the story off all my lyfe [thy?] helth alone ys all my chere