I´ll be Gone, when summer dissolves In dew of sorrounding plains, When my lips don´t taste The salt of your tears again As I thought we really were close, You were drifting away, No words to explain, The things that caused your pain Hold me when I am there Stay near me, Stay each night, When you´re so cold inside. Come to me, I´ll change, And hear you, See the scars, Relieve the wounds I´ll be gone when the sent of warm desire Has dissapeared When my hands won´t remenber The vaulting of your hair Somehow you´re so different now I can see your face. The look that denies Every word you say to me. You Close doors There are so many And you wonder Where to go I´ll be gone when autumn rain Weakens dusty roads again When your touching smile Will move an other man All you left is a suitcase Full of clothes you didn´t choose And some poetry Carefully wrapped in a velvet sawl