How could it be! It's just the same old story came to my eyes Another tale is written by human ache Hiding a crime it's so easy today Another life is sacrified with no blame. You're trying to get some other answers You that always read those pages acting like an Audience Now you act a drama you've not created A drama you've not created. Tell me how could it be How can they think of kill'n a man. I'm standing here alone wondering why I must die just to cover lies. Timeless night, changes in light Start to paint now her smile in the sky. People have just found peace they're looking for Seeing a world with stripes i can feel their hate Rising over there through those flighty minds Not just anyone never understand my own Innocence of mind, cloudy i realize That i'll never see another paradise. Can they keep a man for fifteen years with many Tears 'til he sees the light of one new day that will never Come Will never come, will never come. When it will come your hope is gone You'll understand they're watching you. Now it's the time you'll realize Will see no future in your eyes. Maybe they'll find other ways in their hearts That could stop me from meeting my own death Or there will be someone and may here stop All this madness and let me be free. Now, tell me how could it be How can they think of kill'n a man. I'm standing here alone wondering why I must die just to cover lies. They knock at your door, your arms are being held Tight Your rate's going slow, within a few minutes it Stops. How could it be!