Empire! Empire! (I Was a Lonely Estate)

I Knew This Because As I Drove, The Hole That Was Me And My Life Was Getting Smaller And Smaller And Was Being Filled With New Hampshire, Or Maybe It Was The Idea Of New Hampshire, But Who Cares, As L

Empire! Empire! (I Was a Lonely Estate)

Fold your arms like an aeroplane
Cast over seas you could not navigate
For fear of an entry point

Dear, do not go quietly!
Do not go, do not go at all!
(You are needed here)

You were strong
But your body wasn't

And even if I know
It'll still hurt to hear it from you

So when you go
Your arms will not part the sea
Or even support their own weight

But it is time
(And even I know!)

But it will still hurt like hell when you go