
Wrath Of God


Then I heard a loud voice from the temple
Saying "Go, pour out the seven bowls of
God's wrath on the earth" (Rev 16:1)

Noon is near
No sun appeared
There's something going on

The water is red
Bugs crawling everywhere
Is this the end of all we know?

Tidal waves
Burying all beneath
Earthquakes and hailstorms
to seal this endless grief

The wrath of god poured out over men
Is it too late to restart again?
Hell is unleashed and the sky disappears
It was prophesied since thousands of years

Creeping fear
The visions getting real
This is the end of all we know

A roaring noise
The grotesque choir of men
The angels of death and doom
Walking hand in hand

The wrath of god poured out over men
Is it too late to restart again?
Hell is unleashed and the sky disappears
It was prophesied since thousands of years

A few have warned mankind
Don't be willingly blind
Playing god is not worth
Destroying our earth

This is the quittance
A deadly final dance
A lethal punishment
So this is the end

For a fire will be kindled by my wrath
One that burns down to the realm of the dead below
It will devour the earth and its harvests
And set on fire the foundations of the mountains
(Deut. 32:22)