
We Attack


In the dark the Moon's bright, we try at twelve
It's hard to think, my mind's a prison cell
Grenade, a knife, ah yes a loaded gun
Despite my temper, I'm the meekest one

We attack for love, for you we try
We attack for love, for you we fight
We attack for love, for a time like this
We fired once, but now our shots won't mis

We're not the losers, we're here to survive
All things you're saying, degenerate lies
Oh well you know you cannot change the truth
Backs to the wall, we'll fight you nail and tooth

It's hard to say, just what we'll find
Riches alone, or more aggressive kind
We'll drop alone, and we will surely wait
If they are trying to communicate

The city is so quiet, the city's void and black
They've taken half the country now
Keep searching we'll attack

Find the oppression, and then we'll sweep
We'll breach the walls, to smash the keep
Standing taller than the trojan horse
All freedom now will only take it course

All freedom's peace, all peace is love
Don't raise the anger, don't push, don't shove
Its only pain that anger brings
When its love you know, the heart, it sings
We attack!