
The Wanderer


I've been wandering for all my life
Through this vale of pain and strife
I've seen ages passing by
And men always tried to find

The sense in their life, a way to survive
The days here on earth in times of woe and dearth
They try and try until the day they die
But blinded by vanity they just cannot see

I'm the wanderer who saves you in the night
I'm the wanderer who will lead you to light

I knew you from the start and I saw into your heart
I will set you free, oh why can't you see?
Wander home with me; I will guide you to the key
Which will last forevermore and will open up the door to eternity

I've been wandering for all time
Seen disgrace and men's grime
But still I carried on

I have wandered to world's end
Just to lead you home my friend
Where grief will be gone

When your feet are dull and soar
I will bring you to the door
Just rest upon my hands
And I'll show you your life's sense

I've been wandering through distress
To bring you hope and blessedness
In this vale of moan and tears
I will take away your fears

I'm the wanderer who saves you in the night
I'm the wanderer who will lead you to light

In darkness I appear, call the lost so they may hear
My words abound in truth and their anguish may be soothed
Drink from my well, in my arms they shall dwell
I will feed the poor so they won't starve anymore

I fought battles from the start to save your abandoned heart
And I died to set you free, oh will you ever see?

Just come, wander home with me; I will guide you to the key
Which will last forevermore and will open up the door to eternity