
Out Of Nothng


Tom: Dm

Out Of Nothing - Out Of Nothing - Embrace(2004)
Tom Wilson
Kevin Firman
Colin Ramsay
Verse is Bb C Dm F
Chorus is Bb Gm Asus4 A
Outro is Bb C Dm F
chords supplied by Mickey Dale 
Rev. 1.0 - 12/9/2004 - Lyrics.


Verse 1
Bb      C           Dm        F               Bb      C          Dm    F
Out of nothing you came to my arms and you're right I fell every time
Bb         C             Dm             F         Bb 
You're the first and the last time that I'll ever try
    C       Dm  F Bb   C      Dm F Bb C       Dm   F
So dry your eyes, I'll say goodbye, I say goodbye...

verse 2

Bb      C           Dm        F               Bb 
I'm left hanging like all dancing bears

I need rope to keep me in line

I can't stop them, there's more bombshells coming
I choke
More words, more lies
I'll say goodbye, I'll say goodbye...