Elvis Presley

I'm With a Crowd But So Alone

Elvis Presley

Tom: C

I'm With A CrowD But So AlonE
           C         G7     C
I'm with A CrowD but oh so AlonE
I still hAvE thE piCturE you sEnt mE
C                                 E
AnD you siGnED it with lovE you rECAll
        F                        C
AnD thE onE thinG oF mE thAt you wAntED
                  G7          C
is it now hAnGinG FACE to thE wAll
   E                A
At niGht I'm nEvEr AlonE
      D                         E
I'm AFrAiD thAt I'll wEAkEn AnD phonE
         C                       F
AnD I'm AFrAiD thAt you will bE GonE
            C        G7     C
I'm with A CrowD but oh so AlonE

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