Incubus, succubus Quaestio de strigibus Wandering back, back in time oh what have you learnt? Of all the blood that was spilled of all the witches burnt Filth and greed, vicious deeds, the holy rise and fall Killing in the name of the one who died for you all Centuries, centuries the wait has been so long Now you would expect intolerance to be gone Still the ones who yearn for a sigh of relief to come Are seen as outcast sinners, blasphemous unholy scum Thirteen souls, the witches of the coven Hiding in the shadows of the night Blessed be their wombs without which we would not be Born in freedom, bred to heal the world Set to burn at the stake, the heartless witches bane Sisters of free spirit, cursed to die in vain Hammer crushed, blood gushed, skin was ripped apart Devilment and church-beasts, butchers of the magical arts Nightshade cloves, hemlock groves, the cauldron starts to boil One-two double trouble, one-two double toil Wool of bat, owl's claw of wolf the tooth, the gulf and maw They lived as living scarecrows and that's all what we recall Unclouded souls, the witches of the coven Dancing naked on the sabbat night Blessed be their hearts without which we would not love Born in freedom, bred to heal the world On a broomstick they fly before sunrise Persecuted, with fear hunted down On a brommstick they run away from their homes- their own homes Fly away from this natural born chaos To a hidden place for the weak and diverse I watch them with pity In the darkness See the fire that burns away See. It slowly fades away Breathing in darkness, walking in darkness We won't be living another day The witches still gather round a circle of fire Together side by side, under the starlit sky The witches will gather and their spirits will fly Together side by side, in the middle of the night I ride! I ride with them in a circle of fire Beyond... Save me, save me! What's bad to all of you is good, so good, to a little few Watch out' cause they are going to burn you, burn in hell! Carman- white queen of evil Dub- the darkness Dother- black daughter of evil Dian- the violence The sea of blood is running All the pain of the innocent will remain The moon high above is watching and prayinh and showing her love Like a star deep in the night, she'll start to shiver and will look so bright And the day will fade like a stream that is dying There won't be any circle of stones, nor magical rites no more We tried to come, we wanted to show you the goodness of the stars of the moon But you failed miserably and we paid We paid, we paid