Autumn has arrived, leaves are gone, the sky's in flames A crimson red is brushing, the valley brightest light I remember my Novembers, ancient rites throughout the fog A magic melancholia surrounding all the plains A manifest of winds, the forces of the Earth Darkness laid the curtain against the mighty oak Figures hooded in the shades in front of braziers aflame My childhood eyes have witnessed the ritual rebirth A breeze from the sea came like mystery cries The druids chant a strange lullaby The sparks from the flames reach the stars in the sky Are we are ready to die? Forgive me Father for all that I have sinned For all the times I tried to be a follower within Forgive me Mother, sweet Earth where I have lived The beauty that I've mantled, the pureness of our kin We all hail the moon gathering on its Sixth Day Turn every barren one fertile as our Mother With golden sickles we raise eyes to the sky and pray Cure every poison and take care of all our Brothers Came and dance with us the dances of the witch I dreamt the white druid's voice whispering the words The mistletoe, the sickle, the big Valonia Oaks From the day on my knowledge opened up to a new itch A breeze from the sea came like mystery cries The druids chant a strange lullaby The sparks from the flames reach the stars in the sky Are we are ready to die? Forgive me Father for all that I have sinned For all the times I tried to be a follower within Forgive me Mother, sweet Earth where I have lived The beauty that I've mantled, the pureness of our kin