Will I come or will I stay, I guess time will show Sometimes I lose my temper but I never lose my soul For a longer time now than ever before I have been away from my safety zone My beloved friend you're so dear to me High up on the hill where the air is cold and free Something has changed but I can't put a finger on what So different but still so unchanged One thing can be that all my friends have moved To other places, other towns while I'm still in my room Every single one of them packed their things and disappeared While I sat out on the porch and wished they wouldn't leave me here But I figured this is the way it is supposed to be The road is long and things are washing over me Time passes so quickly, do I really want all this now The weather is changing just like you and I The road is long Vägen är lång I remember when you lived on Taps Alley number 12 How we walked up the stone stairs in the stairwell We hadn't seen each other in a pretty long time And I felt that the older we get the less often we'll come around One year has passed and I have the things I do Lose my will in my texts and lose my will in the truth I've been out on the roads in a big white van I've been blowing things up with a rock'n'roll band The road is long Vägen är lång I remember when we stood outside entrance number 12 And one of the apartments in staircase 12 Had one window open where music poured out I started laughing and you asked me what I laughed about I think a year has passed and I've devoted my life to the road I have learned to know new faces, new jokes and talks In and out, back and forth, a bit rock'n'roll Confuses my already confused head and I feel so young and so old The road is long Vägen är lång Vägen är lång och jag bara åker med Det går så fort hit och dit och jag försöker hinna med Att förstå vad jag gör men det är inte alltid så lätt På samma gång är jag glad, ledsen, hungrig och mätt Vägen är lång genom allt och ingenting Men jag har alltid gillat vägen och att bara åka omkring Allt ser likadant ut samtidigt som allt är nytt Fjäll, skog och vatten, en fågel på flykt The road is long Vägen är lång Life is a funny thing isn't it It is what it is and we only have this I think I might be bound to a life on the road That's what you said, long is the road The road is long Vägen är lång