"oops!" my heart went, "oops!" The moment that we met, My heart went, "oops!" I never will forget, My heart turned hoops The moment that i met you. "oops!" my feet went, "oops!" I nearly took a spill, My knees went, "oops!" They shook a bit until My head went, "oops! You mustn't let it get you." I was going for a very What you'd call a solitary Sort of stroll; Just a twiddling my thumbs When i heard a lotta drums Begin to pound and roll; And "oops!" my heart went, "oops!" It went into a spin Of loop-the-loops, You must have thought me kin To nincompoops, The silly way i acted; Of course you couldn't know That you were so aglow And i was so attracted, But, baby, take a bow, My heart is going, "oops!" right now!