Check out the mess I've made I'm 19 and I'm plotting graves I've got some special K And an 8 ball of fun 3 bags why not Tonight I take the bible to the grave Well I'm going out Oh yes, I'm checking out I'm a waste of being and by gosh I believe This is really me OD'ing I'm OD'ing Oh Fuck, I'm bleeding from my mouth Another walks in on a respiratory failure gone right Can a failure go right? I'm a failure gone right What kind of friend leaves the door locked and doesn't come in? Is he afraid what he'll find? Is he ashamed I got there first? Was it fun to commit an act on life? Was it fun? Was it fun to call my dad to pick me up? Weighing in at 101 Was it fun to say the foil on the floor was from the junkie the night before? Lying to cheat and cheating to steal We are all just teenage criminals Hold on, Hold on And just grab a grip Its never been shocking before They couldn't put it past me anymore No, not anymore I've committed moral sin I pray I don't go back to the way I was before But I've never liked to feel No, don't like to feel More likely I'm no better than a suicidal god of war No you never wanted me I swear I didn't write this because I care I'm writing, I'm just being honest The record just needs its fair share I'm no son of god, right? What is the color of night? Some it's black, it's just right And at the end of the day It's alright