Tom: F

From: * (Franz Lemmermeyer)


(1)                 (2)                  (3)



(1)         (2)                         (3)             (4) 
   So I go,      though it hurts me so,    I'm crying for your love.

   C           Cj7              C7
1. Deep waters flow out to the sea, 
                F    Em  E7 Am
   they never needed you or me.
   Am          Em    Am           Fj7
   One summer dream, One summer dream.

   Blue mountains high and valley low, 
   I don't know which way I should go.
   Am          Em    Am           Fj7   C   G
   One summer dream, One summer dream.
    A  Aj7  A Em-g Em-f# Em  Em7 

2. Warm summer breeze blows endlessly
   Touching the hearts of those who feel
   One summer dream, One summer dream.

   Bird on a wing goes floating by
   But there's a teardrop in its eye.
   One summer dream, One summer dream.

Cj7   x32000            Em-g  022003
Fj7   x03210            Em-f# 022002
A     x02225            Em    022000    
Aj7   x02224            Em7   020033

   `&'     ********************************************************
    #      Franz Lemmermeyer              **   Die  endgueltige   *
    #      Erwin-Rohde-Str. 19            **        Teilung       *
   _#_     69120 Heidelberg               **     Deutschlands,    *
  ( # )                                   **     das ist unser    *
  / O \    *   **        Auftrag!      *
 ( === )                                  ***** Chlodwig Poth  ****
  `---'    ********************************************************