
Time Of Ancient


In the times of the ancient
There lived a great hero
Who in his lifetime
Slew many foul beasts
He build his cabin
On the edge of the forest
Where he hoped to find peace
But the village people
Came for his help
To ask for his aid in their fight
They pleaded to the hero
“Help us defeat
The dreaded hunter of the night”

With the light of the Sun
He prepared himself
To begin a new quest
He must now undertake on his own
But the witch of the forest
Came to his cabin
To warn of the perils
“Not a mere fiend, but a demon lord
Fight him and you shall find only death”

Neglected was the witch’s warning
Our hero set out on his quest
Into the abandoned caves
He ventured underground
Long was his journey
Thought the perilous labyrinth
Bodies of those before him
Reminded of the price of failure
And in the darkest corner of the deepest cavern
He found the demon lord
A giant in the eyes of men
A fiery whip in hand
Hell’s fires burned within the demon’s eyes
He readied for attack
And as the hero drew his sword
The beast unleashed a fearsome roar

Sword pierced flesh and steel met bone
In a fierce battle of wills
The dreaded beast fell to its knees
And drew its final breath

Glory goes to those who fight
Despite the fading odds
Above the body of the demon lord
Our hero stands triumphant