Feels like I am spreading a disease I may be the holder of a plague I need of a pacemaker cause my blood runs out of beat And I can’t live with it It takes some to build one But it’s easier to tear it down With bare hands I dig a hole But it gets to small The lies I tell hurts as much As telling the truth The seal is too hard to brake Slow as a snail I leave I’m not like a larva that transform into beauty I crawl through the slime I’ve made I’ll stay on the ground and still be ugly Are you confident when you curl up in bed Or are you tired or full of hope Do you save and fold the threads Do you stop or go ahead My life water and my honey tree I need the nectar, not a stinging bee The guidance is gone – alone from now on I pack my bags to meet oblivion Slow as a snail I leave I’m not like a larva that transform into beauty I crawl through the slime I’ve made I’ll stay on the ground and still be ugly To whom do you confide when you curl up in bed