
Write Your Epitaph


Sirens and flashes, sky painted red
The titans clash and the bodies shred
Ruthless and rude. No one have pride
Borders, no one care. Missiles goin' high

Broken bodies and wrecked lives
Hit them in their sleep
No chance for the fight
Write your epitaph

Gunpowder in air, feel in every breath
Anyone have fair in the noise of death
Behind the stories. Best lies ever told
We are just pawns, born and die for crowns

Fear of death and curious, about who wait us in next
Nothing precious than now
Never know, have you got second chance?

Where is your God now?
Creator of earth and sky
Why do nothing when world fall with hunger and crimes?

How can forgive the deadly sins with only prays
Bloody ethnic genocides, built the great wall for cry
World is ruined darkness is rising when newborns die
Who can believe now the God of justice, tell me the story

A prophet shouting his name we the people get on our knees
First rule never examine. Fist of ignorance in our minds
How can forgive the deadly sins with only prays