Now So passionate About your survival Your life placed on a narcotic wave of creative conception No presence of breath Neither breath of any presence Your breath on a vacant space Mortal Like an abscess waiting to be burst with pin point precision As the fluids are released in the corridors of your mind The narcotic wave of creative splurge Now Why you sculpt misery With exaggerated proportions? [Refrain] The sculptor of negative emotions The sculptor of negative emotions The sculptor Shapes the heart with lies The sculptor Bleeds the heart with lies Infinite impulse of imaginations through the twisted veins Infested with surgical sophistications In the kaleidoscope of chaos Recurrence with no confidence Brings me now to this feast of guilt As the fluid is released [Refrain] The sculptor of negative emotions The sculptor of negative emotions Wander within the exotic walls of fabricated flowers Slip through the divine age due to the overpowered Infinite deforestation of the wildly spread minds advance Pass on the image that once was into decline