The night bleeds day, With every breath i take Reality brings, Bright eyes, smooth skin. So what is left from this, A bottle of broken self. In a moment it'll all be gone, Til the next time when it all comes back. Come on, Feed a lie, Watch the birth, Kiss the dirt. Kiss it. Next time has come and gone, What will bring the end, A promise thrown into the night, Or a little reminder. So what is left from this, A bottle of broken self. In a moment it'll all be gone, Til the next time when it all comes back. Feed a lie, Watch the birth, Kiss the dirt. Kiss it. Searching through these pieces, Looking for your shadow. Getting closer all the time. Countless words, In a sea of explanation, Flailing to grasp, A rock (to stand). Shoulda let you go Searching through these pieces, Looking for your shadow. Getting closer all the time. Feed a lie, Watch the birth.