Dull, bulgy and deformed structure without brace small tumultuous cosmos with no control and sensations confused in chaos and in damp colors it rotates around it rotates on axles transfixing it forcing it to new alterations it is unstable and harmful it carries unhealthy hopes old sorrows could surface again awakening never soothed rages cautiously taken far from fire burning inside electrical impulses set its throb it commands, judges, dominates it forces you to follow it to darkness or to light it doesn't care about you rebel yourself to it nothing changes, he wins, you loose arrest yourself, listen to it, follow it softly nothing is different, it always plays it doesn't care about you it doesn't care about you it is always part of you it involves every part of you it receives you into its hostile womb it deceives you, asking new questions building doubts and hindrances you are not able to defend from forced to stay with it all life long you don't realize you are the material impediment and when it leaves your journey you'll be forced to follow it again