We're all seaten on a red velvet sheet Sharing the wine of consciousness Under the pentagram lays the painless That represent blood of our feast The twenty years of virtue Under the fullmoon are disappearing The infernal tortures start In a coffin full of roses Damned in infinity We stare at those thirteen candles burning Beneath those frightening walls She is laying forever the beauty Come with us, join our black community Get ready for the journey Now you only belong to insanity Desire makes you thirsty Swallow the poison, share our misery The twenty years of virtue Under the full-moon are disappearing The infernal tortures start In a coffin full of roses Damned in infinity We stare at those thirteen candles burning Beneath those frightening walls She is laying forever the beauty On the worm-eaten walls For eternity we've written your name To leave a trace of what is no longer Shame And to erase your calls Damned in infinity We stare at those thirteen candles burning Beneath those frightening walls She is laying forever the beauty Ends the ceremony We lay, satisfied Now comes the time Of oblivion And we sink All together In an ocean Of darkness...this is the journey