shake that bootie babe on the dance floor on the dance floor shake that bootie babe on the dance floor on the dance floor Lets all gather here and dance In this delightful party, everybody bottie party Forget all the hard things in life and everyone dance bootie dance Throw away all your worries and concerns Lets have fun, whats the problem? Are you worrying about your reputation? No one cares! Lets forget about tomorrow without any worries Do a sexy fun dance, bootie dance shake that bootie babe on the dance floor on the dance floor shake that bootie babe on the dance floor on the dance floor Shake it shake it shake it, shake your booty Shake it, shake your booty, shake it, everyone shake it together Lets dance together, everyone dance together bootie dance Throw away all your worries and concerns Lets have fun, whats the problem? Are you worrying about your reputation? No one cares! Lets forget about tomorrow without any worries Do a sexy fun dance, bootie dance shake that bootie babe on the dance floor on the dance floor shake that bootie babe on the dance floor on the dance floor