RAP Lock me in just lock me in In your heart just lock me in Are you pissed just tell me straight tell me that you love me and my way Machine no need for emotion watching me without expression Huh, Do you know the taste of tears I don't give a f.u.c.k SONG That depressing gray sky lingers in your eyes Locking the city in with sorrow you in your idea of life Glides up to me without no idea of why -ya STARIAN the body without no words STARIAN just slowly come to my heart and be one with me take my heart and soul everything STARIAN please take all that I have left to give wow ya--- RAP close your heart just close your heart so me one else can get you only hold me in just hold me in only so you can love me baby There`s no need for flesh and blood I just need your sence of life S to the H to the I to the T No one can stop you from being with me