INTENTIONS My intentions have never been bad I try to make others celebrate I forgot the times i was ever sad But mainly the times of hate Its funny how much can happen But things will stay the same Then life will turn a corner And decisions turn up made So I sing The sun comes up but my head is low I'm still in bed cos the world is cold Everything is a daze to me so i fly into outer space The moon above has a healthy glow I'm flying over the streets I know And everything that I used to see has gone To another place Now I can't help but feel a sudden anger in me Starting from my stomach and rising up within me It's taking over my life making me feel so dizzy Making me look at the news as if its one big conspiracy I see the truth an I feel the lies But so many different views in so many different eyes Make us paralysed, where all so hypnotized From all the fluorides and chem. trails up in the skies They want to dumb us down just because they're scared of us They know that if we band together we can rise above They feed us lies on the telly cos so many trust That the UN's agenda actually cares about us But I know better, you see it's all about to end A worldwide suicide fashion trend We like to look pretty and we want to all pretend But the truth is something nobody can comprehend The sun come up but my head is low...