
A Life Less Plagued


when will i rise from this toss turn sleep 
with nothing holding me down into this bed 
bring the dirt and make it my grave 
won't you do it please? 
everthing is shit, i owe, i lag, i try, i fail, i hate 
the pseudo love the world brings on pretty wings 
(it sunk my dreams at sixteen) 
i can't laugh, love, breath, feel, or fuck 
without knowing my life is sinking fast 
and i don't swim 
i dream under a sky that i can see crashing down 
while i wish on a star that lies 
i'm transfixed on a better time 
drawing out the end 
i'm crying for a life less plagued 
pure and defined. why cant you give it to me? 
i want to hold your head close to mine 
and whisper words so far from true 
"...everything will be fine" 
(mixing your tears with mine) 
we can shake it off kid. "i'll try harder 
and i'll make sure we still se europe by the summer time." 
damn you look so sad when i lie 
take my hand, we'll walk this romance 
until it's bitter end 
humming songs in the key of faith in me just leave me, because the word on the street is that i'm fucked, i'm losing my mind 
it's just a matter of time 
just give me a sign 
and i'll make it out of here alive 
i'll keep feeding ink to paper 
and i still won't find an answer 
i'm asking, i'm trying, i'm needing... 
...but still no answer 
we must be speaking a different language 
"hey, who's team are you sleeping for?" 
somewhere in hell there's aperson like me 
with stitch filled skin, and chipped teeth 
here's to eyes that are brighter than mine 
and here's to regrets and wasted time 
"i need a flashlight..." because i'm obviously blind 
kiss me good-bye, i'm signing off...